For the time being, the Club is paying all the salaried and hourly employees as if they are working their regular hours. If the shutdown continues to a certain date, the Club has a plan to possibly lay off most employees and then give them a bonus when the Club reopens and returns to work. The Club is also exploring options to allow employees who may get laid off a way to continue their health insurance. Greens staff workers who continue to work during the shutdown are going to receive a bonus for working throughout this time period.
Yes. We are paying all salaried employees the normal rate. Considering a fund to help caddies through a voluntary go fund me style campaign. Some seasonal employees would qualify also.
We have one in place from an Assistant Professional who passed away in the 80’s. We use it to give out bursaries and scholarships annually.
For the time being, the Club is paying all the salaried and hourly employees as if they are working their regular hours. If the shutdown continues to a certain date, the Club has a plan to possibly lay off most employees and then give them a bonus when the Club reopens and returns to work. The Club is also exploring options to allow employees who may get laid off a way to continue their health insurance. Greens staff workers who continue to work during the shutdown are going to receive a bonus for working throughout this time period.
Yes for a period of time. Does not apply to caddies
any pay while the club is closed. We have not addressed any caddie assistance however.
The club has indicated that the employees will be made whole and will not lose
Not yet
We are in the process of setting these funds up for golf outside services, valet, sitter service etc.
Not at this time
We are not putting together a fund but have plans to pursue the relief programs being offered by the government.
Yes. We are paying all salaried employees the normal rate. Considering a fund to help caddies through a voluntary go fund me style campaign. Some seasonal employees would qualify also.