I am trying to come up with a plan to make something happen with some of our tour pro’s. One has committed to the idea and now I’m going to wait till the right time to see if this is a possibility.
XXX has laid off about 50 employees in response to the inability to provide on site consumption or clubhouse access. The GM and I approached a compassionate board member about establishing a fund for those employees. The member mobilized the BOD to establish a Go Fund Me page with a $25K goal. It is just shy of 20K in less than a week. The goal is to provide a $750 Visa gift card to each laid off employee.
The club has paid all employees their average weekly rate through April. Caddies were paid by 1 member for 2weeks and the club has asked members to contribute to cover their wages until they are able to caddie again
Not sure at this point in time.
Yes, We are considering doing an Employee Christmas Fund offering on your club bill to help those that lost income.
I am trying to come up with a plan to make something happen with some of our tour pro’s. One has committed to the idea and now I’m going to wait till the right time to see if this is a possibility.
XXX has laid off about 50 employees in response to the inability to provide on site consumption or clubhouse access. The GM and I approached a compassionate board member about establishing a fund for those employees. The member mobilized the BOD to establish a Go Fund Me page with a $25K goal. It is just shy of 20K in less than a week. The goal is to provide a $750 Visa gift card to each laid off employee.
Nothing has been discussed at this time. Since we typically don’t open until April it is likely to come up shortly.
Staff will be paid their avg wage over the last 3 months. All staff. This will be evaluated every two weeks, but prepared to go through May.
Not at this time, however, our Board of Directors is meeting biweekly to figure out if this is an avenue we need to take.
Not at this time, but hopefully it will be addressed in the near future
The club has paid all employees their average weekly rate through April. Caddies were paid by 1 member for 2weeks and the club has asked members to contribute to cover their wages until they are able to caddie again