
Every golf club has those members who are avid golfers and follow the various professional tours on a regular basis. They have a passion for the game and respect those who can successfully do it for a living. I wanted to share with you a unique opportunity that you can provide to your members that they will appreciate and at the same time make you stand out at your respective club/facility.

Global Golf Post is a brand new digital-only publication written for serious golfers. Its focus is on competitition at both the professional and amateur levels all around the world. GGP also delivers insightful commentary, terrific coverage of new golf equipment, and credible travel features from many of the best golf writers covering the game today. GGP will be delivered to your email inbox every Monday morning by 7AM EST all year long. Best of all, its FREE to subscribe. NOTE: There is NO future subscription charge. The free subscription lasts as long as you would like to receive the magazine.

You can review the most recent copy by clicking on the screenshot. Please consider sending this link (www.globalgolfpost.com/amf) to all of your members or students as I’m sure many of them would enjoy the opportunity to get Global Golf Post each week!

Make sure to utilize the link that is provided above.