I am always proud and excited when I see AMF members contacting each other and asking questions and providing each other with answers. When we started AMF I always knew that the AMF staff was not where the answers would be coming from, it would be from the accumulated knowledge of our members with the caveat that they would want to share their ideas. I can tell you that the following conversation between two members is happening all the time and this is what makes our membership special.
The following email exchange was between a member and Jeff Ritter, AMF member who is based at ASU Karsten G.C. in Tempe, Arizona. I thought Jeff’s answer was spot on and wanted to share it with everyone else.
Hello Jeff,
I am trying to transfer my current instruction program into more of a coaching model. Do you have any suggestions or materials which might help this process? Thank you.
AMF Instructor Division Member
Dear Member,
The best question to ask yourself is “Can I embody all that the model preaches?”
This is where the idea of “authenticity” comes into play. I think a “brand” has to be a true extension of the person who creates it. A coaching model can encompass many things.
1) Technical
2) Physical Strength, Stability, Mobility
3) Physical Nutritional
4) Mental/Emotional
I think the key is to figure out what type of model you would like to create, and then commit yourself to being the embodiment of that model. When clients see you participating in the ideas you preach, they will be more inspired to do the same. In addition, your passion for the material will grow as well.
Have a big picture in mind of what the program will look like in 4, 8, 12, 16 months. Then start by implementing the ideas you are most passionate about first. The big danger is to try to do too much, too soon. I think in these cases, the customer can sense which areas you are not fully proficient in or passionate about.
The other thing which is of help is to associate yourself with organizations that add strength to your model. TPI Certifications, A local sports psychologist and or nutrition coach, respected Yoga teacher. Create some introductory clinics where you all present together to generate interest. Have these people as resources available on your website and don’t be afraid to make them a regular part of your lesson discussions. In my opinion, the client is looking to you for guidance and will many times, simply follow your lead. Getting people to consider some of these other ideas may end up impacting their lives more than what you do on the lesson tee, which is just fine.
The key to raving fans is having made a profound impact on the way someone enjoys the game or enhances their enjoyment of life. To do this, sometimes it’s introducing them to your network of trusted professionals.
I have struggled with a lot of ideas as to what I want my business to be. Often we see things that we think would be cool to incorporate, but the more we add, the more confused we become about what our “real goal” is. One thing that has been helpful is working with a “business advisor.” I traded golf lessons for my sessions, but the big thing we did is basically lock ourselves in a room with big sheets of butcher paper on the walls and write down everything that I wanted my brand to be. We covered the walls, then broke the information down into the most common themes. In the end, I got a much clearer picture of what I “really” wanted. The model may continue to evolve, however, it’s important to define exactly what you are most passionate about first, before you simply try to implement ideas purely as a means of making money.
“A business that makes nothing but money is no kind of business”
To me this means that if I hope to sustain my enjoyment for my career, I have to focus on what I like to do the most! Sure, maybe I could make some extra money if I fit more clubs, but honestly I don’t like to spend my time fitting, so I outsource the experience to someone who does. In the end, I like what I do more and the client gets the best fitting experience available!
As it relates to a “coaching model” for technique. The best thing to do is work on creating your own ebook. It’s free, clients can access it from your web site and over time you’ll learn a lot about how you really coach by writing it down on paper. I think a model needs to be simple and make sense across the board from shot to shot. Once you get it all on paper, it may be easier to see what consistent line of thought feeds its way through the entire game. Do that and you’ve got your coaching model!
I hope this helps!