
Get Golf Ready, the player development program now in its third year and managed by the PGA of America, is probably the best player development program the industry has ever assembled and it can be a valuable tool for private clubs looking to expand the play of their non-golf playing family members, employees and others. A recent PGA email to my wife, who runs Get Golf Ready programs at the Mike Bender Golf Academy and has had more than 120 people go through the program so far, had some great ideas for growing your player development programs. Highlighted included:

  • Activating non-playing family members and spouses
  • Reaching out to local businesses through corporate members
  • Get students on the course every session to get them hooked and comfortable with golf
  • Award Get Golf Ready lessons to last place team in golf event
  • Create a ‘course within a course’ to give new golfers a place to play using PGA Family Tees or temporary tees
  • Get Golf Ready and family golf activities can help a club member attain and justify a full family membership Have 90-minute outings instead of full 9 hole round during off peak hours for graduates
  • Market program to tennis and social members, as well as residents living within the course property

There is no excuse for not helping grow the game. If you don’t do it who will?
